Luis Liñán Villafranca

English B2 (FCE) level
GitHub, GitLab


2019 - Now

Software Engineer for Real-Time Innovations (Granada, Spain)

Internal Tools team member. Worked in the main product build system with CMake and Conan. Also worked in an automation Python tool and used Jenkins for CI/CD.

2019 (6 months)

Software Engineer Intern for Real-Time Innovations (Granada, Spain)

RTI Community GitHub examples repositiory improvements and rework. Added CI with Travis-CI and added various automation scripts.


12/13 - 18/19

Degree in Computer Engineering at ETSIIT, University of Granada (Granada, Spain)

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación (ETSIIT).


Programming Languages

Advanced: C++ (11, 14), C, Python (2, 3), CMake

Intermediate: Java, JavaScript, MySQL, R, Rust

Basic: Go, PHP

OS Libs and Frameworks

JavaScript - Three.js, jQuery, dat.gui

Python - scikit-learn, Matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, Tkinter, hug, NetworkX

C++ - STL, OpenGL

Other Software
Git, Gephi, LATEX, HTML5, CSS3, GIMP, Lex, Docker


DeepGProp - Final degree project focussed in multilayer perceptron networks optimization with genetic algorithms.

Bot Calendario de Telegram - Web app with a Telegram bot to interact with it. Addevents and reminders to keep every objective up to date.

OD - Oxigen-18 and Deuterium measures correction with patterns
C, Lex, Python
LEX Email Catcher - Text files parser to extract every email addresses from them.
Javascript (TreeJS)
Robot - 3D robot minigame.

Tanks n’ ducks - 3D Tanks!-insipired web game.

<luislivilla at gmail dot com> • +34 638 862 132
Granada, Spain

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